미래 육군의 로봇 적용 전망 (5/5) > E-저널 2022년 ISSN 2465-809X(Online)


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E-저널 2022년 ISSN 2465-809X(Online)

제 55호(2-3월) | 미래 육군의 로봇 적용 전망 (5/5)

페이지 정보

Written by 김정윤 작성일22-03-17 22:39 조회976회 댓글0건




7) Strong AI : 강인공지능다양한 분야뿐만 아니라 새로운 상황에 대처하는 능력이 인간과 대등한 수준의 AI.

8) 매일경제, "21세기 원유 '빅데이터미래 예측 도구로", 4.21, 2021. (https://www.mk.co.kr/news/economy/view/2021/04/381809/)

9) 정보통신신문, "6G 요소기술극초고속극초연결극초저지연 실현", 2020.12.22. (https://www.koit.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=80410)

10) https://www.bostondynamics.com/atlas (last visited Aug. 30, 2021.)

11) Michele Windsor, "Batteries Not Included: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Robot Batteries", MachineDesign, Sept. 21, 2018.

12) T. Mesbahi, N. Rizoug, +1 author P. Le Moigne, "Li-Ion Battery Emulator for Electric Vehicle Applications", Engineering 2013 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), DOI:10.1109/VPPC.2013.6671688, Corpus ID: 29771705, Published 2013.

13) Oliver Mitchell, "How better batteries are accelerating autonomy", The ROBOTREPORT, June 5, 2018.

14) Marsh, A., “How Fuel Cells Will Power Robotics to a Stronger Supply Chain”, Robotics Business Review, July 26, 2019. (https://www.roboticsbusinessreview.com/news/how-fuel-cells-will-power-robotics-to-a-stronger-supply-chain/)

15) 정인성, "로봇융합부품 산업 및 기술동향", The Magazine of the IEIE (전자공학회지), 2016.9.

16) John D. Madden, “Mobile Robots: Motor Challenges and Materials Solutions”, Science 318, 1094, 2007, /science.1146351.

17) AI for SWARM from TEAM GTRI - AlphaDogfight Introduction. 마지막 접속일 : '21.1027) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dwbA7U-nnI&list=PL6wMum5UsYvaTmVj10WZo5-1vVH-pdLR4&index=2)

18) Boucher, Philip (March 2019). "Concluding remarks". How artificial intelligence works (PDF) (Report). European Parliamentary Research Service. Archived (PDF) from the original on 3 March 2020. Retrieved 3 March 2020. Today's AI is powerful and useful, but remains far from speculated AGI or ASI."

19) Treder, Mike (10 August 2005), "Advanced Human ntelligence", Responsible Nanotechnology, archived from the original on 16 October 2019.

20) 인공지능신문, "BMW그룹, AWS와 인공지능·자율주행 등 난제 해결 위한... 전세계 대상 '양자 컴퓨팅 챌린지개최", 2021.07.16. (https://www.aitimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=21712)

21) "He believes that 20 to 25 years from now, we will have millions of blood-cell sized devices, known as nanobots, inside our bodies fighting diseases, and improving our memory and cognitive abilities"

22) CHARLES Q. CHOI, "Superintelligent AI May Be Impossible to Control; That's the Good News Postcard from the 23rd century: Not even possible to know if an AI is superintelligent, much less stop it", JAN.18, 2021.

23) 정인성, "로봇융합부품 산업 및 기술동향", The Magazine of the IEIE (전자공학회지), 2016.9.

24) John D. Madden, “Mobile Robots: Motor Challenges and Materials Solutions”, Science 318, 1094, 2007, /science.1146351.

25) Victor Barasuol, et. al., "Highly-Integrated Hydraulic Smart Actuators and Smart Manifolds for High-Bandwidth Force Control", Humanoid Robotics, Rront. Robot. AI, 14 Jun. 2018. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2018.00051/full)

26) 정인성, "로봇융합부품 산업 및 기술동향", The Magazine of the IEIE (전자공학회지), 2016.9.

27) Nick Lavars, "Scientists demonstrate a robotic muscle 1,000 times more powerful than a human's", NEW ATLAS, Dec. 23, 2013. (https://newatlas.com/vanadium-dioxide-micromuscle/30217/)

28) Carter S. Hainesa, Na Lia, Geoffrey M. Spinksb, Ali E. Alieva, Jiangtao Dia, and Ray H. Baughmana, "New twist on artificial muscles", CrossMark, Proceedings Nationall Academy Science(PNAS), March 13, 2018.

29) John D. Madden, “Mobile Robots: Motor Challenges and Materials Solutions”, Science 318, 1094, 2007, /science.1146351.

30) 풍자도에서 마지막(2050년대)에 휴머노이드가 등장하는 것으로 되어 있으나 휴머노이드의 피격에 대한 취약성무기체계로서의 효과성 측면에서 논란이 있으며전문가들은 인간형태의 로봇이 전장에 등장할 가능성은 낮다고 보고 있다.



국가안보융합학부, '기술적 발전추세를 고려한 미래전장환경에서의 무인 로봇전투부대 최적화 편성 및 운영방안 연구', 충남대학교 연구보고서(육군본부 정책실 주관), 2021.12.28.

정인성, "로봇융합부품 산업 및 기술동향", The Magazine of the IEIE (전자공학회지), 2016.9.

한국산업기술평가관리원 , '대한민국 로봇산업 기술로드맵', 산업통상자원부 공청회(2017. 6.9) 최종자료, , 2017. 10.11.

Boucher, Philip (March 2019). “How artificial intelligence works” (PDF) (Report). European Parliamentary Research Service. Archived (PDF) 3 March 2020. 

Carter S. Hainesa, Na Lia, Geoffrey M. Spinksb, Ali E. Alieva, Jiangtao Dia, and Ray H. Baughmana, "New twist on artificial muscles", CrossMark, Proceedings Nationall Academy Science(PNAS), March 13, 2018.

CHARLES Q. CHOI, "Superintelligent AI May Be Impossible to Control; That's the Good News Postcard from the 23rd century: Not even possible to know if an AI is superintelligent, much less stop it", JAN.18, 2021.

Goldin, Ian. Terra Incognita (Book) (p. 161). Random House, 2020. Kindle Edition. 

John D. Madden, “Mobile Robots: Motor Challenges and Materials Solutions”, Science 318, 1094, 2007, /science.1146351.

Michele Windsor, "Batteries Not Included: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Robot Batteries", MachineDesign, Sept. 21, 2018.

Oliver Mitchell, "How better batteries are accelerating autonomy", The ROBOTREPORT,  June 5, 2018.

T. Mesbahi, N. Rizoug, +1 author P. Le Moigne, "Li-Ion Battery Emulator for Electric Vehicle Applications", Engineering 2013 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), DOI:10.1109/VPPC.2013.6671688, Corpus ID: 29771705,  Published 2013.

Treder, Mike (10 August 2005), "Advanced Human ntelligence", Responsible Nanotechnology, archived from the original on 16 October 2019.


매일경제, "21세기 원유 '빅데이터' 미래 예측 도구로", 4.21, 2021. (https://www.mk.co.kr/news/economy/view/2021/04/381809/)

인공지능신문, "BMW그룹, AWS와 인공지능·자율주행 등 난제 해결 위한... 전세계 대상 '양자 컴퓨팅 챌린지' 개최", 2021.07.16. (https://www.aitimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=21712)

정보통신신문, "6G 요소기술, 극초고속∙극초연결∙극초저지연 실현", 2020.12.22. (https://www.aitimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=21712)(https://www.koit.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=80410)

AI for SWARM from TEAM GTRI - AlphaDogfight Introduction. 마지막 접속일 : '21.1027) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dwbA7U-nnI&list=PL6wMum5UsYvaTmVj10WZo5-1vVH-pdLR4&index=2) 

Marsh, A., “How Fuel Cells Will Power Robotics to a Stronger Supply Chain”, Robotics Business Review, July 26, 2019. (https://www.roboticsbusinessreview.com/news/how-fuel-cells-will-power-robotics-to-a-stronger-supply-chain/)

Nick Lavars, "Scientists demonstrate a robotic muscle 1,000 times more powerful than a human's", NEW ATLAS, Dec. 23, 2013. (https://newatlas.com/vanadium-dioxide-micromuscle/30217/)

Victor Barasuol, et. al., "Highly-Integrated Hydraulic Smart Actuators and Smart Manifolds for High-Bandwidth Force Control", Humanoid Robotics, Rront. Robot. AI, 14 Jun. 2018. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2018.00051/full)


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